Parkside Youth Camp

Date: November 1-3, 2024

Location: John Bryan State Park 

Cost: $150 (all payment goes to Parkside Christian Church)

Timing: Meet at PCC at 4 pm on Friday and will return by 2 on Sunday. 

If at any point a parent needs to contact the Inner Trek Guides, please call or text 513-334-7891

More details will be emailed after application is submitted 


What to Expect:

This weekend will be filled with all things camping- campfires, hikes, roasting hot dogs, going to sleep hearing the crickets and waking up to the sunrise. If you have never been camping we are here to answer your questions, remind you to put on bug spray and make sure you are prepared for each activity. If you are an experienced camper, this trip can be a fun way to connect with your friends and show them something you love. 

We will have all the sleeping gear and food you need for the whole weekend. As long as you pack everything on the packing list, you will be prepared. This campsite has running water, flush toilets and showers, so you won't be roughing it too much.

Packing List: 

Do not bring: